The Cancer Drug Development Forum – CDDF is the platform for all stakeholders involved in the development of cancer drugs.




CDDF Industry partner representative (*) Free
Non-commercial participant (academia/ foundations / charities) Free
Representative from regulatory authorities (EMA, FDA, national agencies and HTA bodies) (**) Free
Nurse & student Free
Patient advocate (***) Free
Pharmaceutical Company representative (not partners of CDDF) EUR 615 (VAT- inclusive)
Miscellaneous – nonmedical, consultancy, freelance EUR 615 (VAT- inclusive)


(*) The list of CDDF Industry Partners is available here 

(**) The representative from regulatory authorities’ rate applies to individuals who are employed by regulatory authorities such as EMA, FDA, national agencies and HTA bodies. 

(***) The Patient advocate’s rate applies to individuals who are a member of a Patient Advocacy Organisation. 





Free registrations

Registration deadline: Friday 5 February 2021


Paid registrations (Industry representatives from companies that are not CDDF Industry Partners)
  • Registration deadline: Monday 1 February 2021
  • Payment deadline: Friday 5 February 2021 (registration fees should be paid by the given deadline to complete paid registrations)



please note that only written cancellations addressed to will be accepted with the following rules:

  • Before 31 January 2021: 50% refund
  •  After 31 January 2021: no refund
CDDF Data Protection Policy

Please read the CDDF’s ‘Data Protection Policy.’

Cancer Drug Development Forum asbl
Registered office: c/o BLSI, Clos Chapelle-aux-Champs 30, 1200 Woluwe Saint Lambert, Belgium
Register of legal entities: the French Speaking Enterprise Court in Brussels
Enterprise number: 738.523.752

Privacy Policy
Tel: +32 2 880 62 70