The Cancer Drug Development Forum – CDDF is the platform for all stakeholders involved in the development of cancer drugs.

Event outline


This workshop is aimed at all relevant stakeholders in cancer drug development, patients, academic researchers, regulatory agencies and pharmaceutical companies. It will address the latest developments in the use of measurable residual disease (MRD) and circulating tumour DNA as endpoints in cancer drug development.

The success of modern drugs and immunotherapy has made unprecedented reductions of tumour load possible which has in many diseases translated into relevant survival benefits. The assessment of tumour burden beyond the conventional definition of complete remission can predict outcomes and may therefore accelerate the development of new treatments in oncology. Also, these outcomes may be used to modify therapeutic approaches.

The workshop focuses on the analysis of these rapidly evolving endpoints from all relevant perspectives and looks to define a problem-solving, multistakeholder approach to the next steps and further development.


The target is a multidisciplinary audience of academia representatives, EU and US regulatory bodies (EMA, FDA, National Agencies), pharmaceutical Industry, HTAs and patient advocates.


NHOW Amsterdam RAI

Europaboulevard 2b, 1078 RV Amsterdam, Netherlands

Cancer Drug Development Forum asbl
Registered office: c/o BLSI, Clos Chapelle-aux-Champs 30, 1200 Woluwe Saint Lambert, Belgium
Register of legal entities: the French Speaking Enterprise Court in Brussels
Enterprise number: 738.523.752

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