Day 1
- Eva Skovlund (NTNU & CDDF Board member, NO) – Introduction
- Adrian CASSIDY (Roche, CH), Introduction – State of the situation in EU for Oncology RWD
- Chris CHINN (Sanofi, UK), Insight from IMI Get Real Project – From the Industry Perspective
- Pall JONSSON (NICE, UK), Insight from OMI Get Real Project – From the HTA Perspective
- Amy ABERNETHY (Flatiron Health, USA), The Flatiron Experience
- Giske URSIN (Norwegian Cancer Registry and University of Oslo, NO), Utilizing cancer registry data
- Bill CAPRA (Genentech, USA), RWD to complement clinical trial data in the evaluation of a targeted therapy in a rare cancer
- Bert LEUFKENS (Utrecht University and MeB, NL), RWD, indications dynamics, some regulatory perspectives
- Halfdan SORBYE (Haukeland University Hospital, NO), Experience in using RWD in metastatic colorectal cancer
- Coralie COURTINARD (Unicancer, FR), Unicancer & ESME Project activities and the asset for health authorities and marketing authorisation holders
- Michael TAYLOR (Genentech, USA), The industry perspective on clinical outcomes using RWD
Day 2
- Jon Michael GRAN (University of Oslo, NO), Causal inference
- Olaf KLUNGEL (Utrecht University, NL), Methods to control for unmeasured confounding in pharmacoepidemiology
- Tjeerd-Pieter VAN STAA (University of Manchester, UK), Pragmatic trials
- Francesca CERRETA (EMA, UK), The regulatory perspective on ‘Can RWD accelerate patient access to medicines?’
- Entela XOXI (AIFA, IT), AIFA’s post-marketing registries and accelerated patient access. Opportunities and challenges in the context of MAPP’s
- Chriss CHINN (Sanofi, UK), RWD in the context of MAPP’s
- Wrap-up session by Eva SKOVLUND (NTNU, NO), Linda McNAMARA (Roche, UK), Felipe FERNANDEZ (Novartis, IT)