The Cancer Drug Development Forum – CDDF is the platform for all stakeholders involved in the development of cancer drugs.

Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest – Dr. Fergus Sweeney

This is a disclosure report regarding direct/indirect conflicts of interest of a financial, functional or any other nature related to commercial and non-commercial organizations.

Commercial organizations with actual/potential/perceived conflict of interest of a financial/functional/any other nature

  • None

Non-commercial organizations with actual/potential/perceived conflict of interest of a financial/functional/any other nature

  • Member of WHO Technical Advisory Group on Development of Guidance on Best Practices for Clinical Trials

Last updated on 22 January 2024

Cancer Drug Development Forum asbl
Registered office: c/o BLSI, Clos Chapelle-aux-Champs 30, 1200 Woluwe Saint Lambert, Belgium
Register of legal entities: the French Speaking Enterprise Court in Brussels
Enterprise number: 738.523.752
Tel: +32 2 880 62 70