The Cancer Drug Development Forum – CDDF is the platform for all stakeholders involved in the development of cancer drugs.




CDDF Industry partner representative (*) Free
Non-commercial participant (academia/ foundations / charities) Free
Representative from regulatory authorities (EMA, FDA, national agencies and HTA bodies) (**) Free
Nurse & student Free
Patient advocate (***) Free
Pharmaceutical Company representative (not partners of CDDF) EUR 615 (VAT- inclusive)
Miscellaneous – nonmedical, consultancy, freelance EUR 615 (VAT- inclusive)


(*) The list of CDDF Industry Partners is available here 

(**) The representative from regulatory authorities’ rate applies to individuals who are employed by regulatory authorities such as EMA, FDA, national agencies and HTA bodies. 

(***) The Patient advocate’s rate applies to individuals who are a member of a Patient Advocacy Organisation. 





Free registrations

Registration deadline: Friday 24 September 2021


Paid registrations
  • Registration deadline: Monday 20 September 2021
  • Payment deadline:  Friday 24 September 2021 (registration fees should be paid by the given deadline to complete paid registrations)



please note that only written cancellations addressed to will be accepted with the following rules:

  • Before 19 September 2021: 50% refund
  •  After 19 September 2021: no refund
CDDF Data Protection Policy

Please read the CDDF’s ‘Data Protection Policy.’

Cancer Drug Development Forum asbl
Registered office: c/o BLSI, Clos Chapelle-aux-Champs 30, 1200 Woluwe Saint Lambert, Belgium
Register of legal entities: the French Speaking Enterprise Court in Brussels
Enterprise number: 738.523.752
Tel: +32 2 880 62 70