Welcome Note – John Smyth (CDDF Board, UK)
Overview of the Current RWD Landscape – Nafsika Kronidou Horst (Roche, CH)
Session 1
European Medicines Agency – Ralf Herold (EMA, NL)
Health Technology Assessment – Carin Uyl-de Groot (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, NL)
Clinician’s Perspective on RWD Repositories – Jaap Verweij (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam/CDDF, NL)
Industry Case Study 1: Real-World Comparator in a Single-Arm Study – Valérie André (Lilly, FR)
Industry Case Study 2: A Pan-Cancer Registry Proposal – Marlene Thomas (Roche, CH)
Patient Perspective – Roger Wilson (UK)
Session 2
Introduction to Methodological Challenges – Eva Skovlund (NTNU, NO)
Disease-Based Registries – Espen Enerly (Norwegian Cancer Registry, NO)
Product-Based Registries – Elmar Schmitt (Merck Healthcare KGaA, DE)
Wearables and Patient Reported Outcomes: New Wins? – Cécile Ollivier (Aparito, NL)
Statistical Considerations in Building External Control – Chris Harbron (Roche, UK)
Electronic Healthcare Records – Meghna Samant (Flatiron Health, US)