Innovative therapies have the potential to effectively target several paediatric malignancies and, thus, save young lives. Since 2011, three societies engaged in the field of cancer drug development and paediatric oncology – the European Societies for Paediatric Oncology (SIOPE), the Cancer Drug Development Forum (CDDF), and Innovative Therapies for Children with Cancer (ITCC) – co-organise the ACCELERATE conference, with the aim to incentivise the development of new cancer treatments for children and adolescents.
During the fifth edition of the ‘ACCELERATE Paediatric Oncology Conference’, which took place on 2-3 March 2017 in Brussels, participants identified areas of improvement from both successful and unfeasible development plans, learnt about ongoing initiatives to improve paediatric drug development’s efficiency, provided original perspectives and engaged in new partnerships to foster innovation.
The meeting was divided into five sections:
- Learning from success and failure in paediatric oncology drug development
- Where are we after 10 years?
- Ongoing initiatives to improve the efficiency of paediatric drug development
- Accelerating
- Investing in paediatric oncology drug development
Now organised on an annual basis, the 2017 ACCELERATE Paediatric Oncology Conference is THE forum where anyone interested in this field can reflect upon and discuss the proposals from the ACCELERATE Platform. On this occasion, participants also evaluated possible changes in the regulatory environment following the 10 years’ EMA report on the EU Paediatric Regulation – also comparing with regulatory and policy strategies in the US, Canada, Japan, and Australia – and defined together the next steps forward to give more and better chances of cure to young patients.
Scientific Programme
View the Scientific Programme: PDF version
Scientific and Programme Committee
- Programme chair: Gilles Vassal (Gustave Roussy, ITCC Chair – SIOPE President – CDDF Board member, France)
- Patricia Blanc (Imagine for Margo, France)
- Silvia Chioato (Pfizer, Italy)
- Ralf Herold (European Medicines Agency, UK)
- Peter Lack (Childhood Cancer International, Switzerland)
- Koenraad Norga (Antwerp University Hospital, Belgium & vice-chair PDCO, EMA)
- Andrew Pearson (The Institute of Cancer Research, UK)
- Raphael Rousseau (Roche Genentech, USA)
- Stefan Schwoch (Eli Lilly ,UK)
- Nicole Scobie (ZOE4LIFE, Switzerland)
- Jeffrey Skolnik (TetraLogic, USA)
- Heinz Zwierzina (Innsbruck University/CDDF, Austria)
Speakers’ presentations
Photos from the event
View here.
Conference Secretariat
The Cancer Drug Development Forum (CDDF) office
Avenue E. Mounier 83
1200 Brussels, Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)2 775 02 15