The Cancer Drug Development Forum – CDDF is the platform for all stakeholders involved in the development of cancer drugs.

Industry Member Benefits




Access to the CDDF Industry Members’ Platform to join other members in addressing challenges in cancer drug development from a multi-stakeholder perspective.



Free registration for in-person participants at all CDDF hybrid events: one free registration for small businesses*, two for medium-sized enterprises** and four for large healthcare companies***. Find more details HERE



Livestream access to CDDF workshops and conferences****. Fine more details HERE



Early access to digital content from the conference and workshops (one year before public release).



Professional contribution to CDDF’s scientific programme and the chance to collaborate with stakeholders on developing content for CDDF meetings



Access to a reputable oncology network and opportunities to connect informally with representatives from academia, regulatory authorities, HTAs, and patient groups.



*Start-up or small business: no oncology product on the market and revenues ≤ € 50 million
**Medium-sized enterprise: either low revenue and at least one oncology product on the market or medium to large revenues and no oncology product on the market
***Large healthcare company: at least one oncology product on the market and revenues ≥ € 1 billion
**** In-person participation required to receive free livestream access has been waived given travel restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a temporary modification as per the board decision in November 2021 and valid until further notice. 



Cancer Drug Development Forum asbl
Registered office: c/o BLSI, Clos Chapelle-aux-Champs 30, 1200 Woluwe Saint Lambert, Belgium
Register of legal entities: the French Speaking Enterprise Court in Brussels
Enterprise number: 738.523.752
Tel: +32 2 880 62 70