Dr. Catarina Edfjäll, representing the CDDF, participated in a panel discussion on EU Pharmaceutical Legislation at the Accelerating Global Health Equity Annual Summit, held as a World Economic Forum (WEF) side event in Davos on January 18, 2024.
Dr. Edfjäll joined the panel of experts to share diverse perspectives on the revision of the EU Pharmaceutical Legislation. The CDDF’s key takeaways from the summit are summarized as follows:
🔴 CDDF welcomes several of the reforms in the pharmaceutical legislation discussed at the Accelerating Global Health Equity (AGHE) Annual Summit.
🔴 CDDF is aligned with the presented view that increasing patient input to clinical research and development as well as decision making (e.g. by introducing CHMP patient representatives) is a step in the right direction. The importance of increasing the patient voice in the EU was also recently highlighted in CDDF’s white paper on Empowering Involvement and Engagement of Patients with Cancer in Oncology Drug Development (link to the paper:https://cddf.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/CDDF-MSW-patient-access_white-paper_-final-1.pdf)
🔴 In general, CDDF supports measures that will streamline regulatory procedures, reduce complexity and speed up drug development and thus ultimately improve patient access in the EU. Harmonising systems to ensure timely and equitable access for patients across all EU member states is equally important.
💡 Special thanks to Partners for Patients (PFP) for organizing the great panel discussion.