We are pleased to announce the launch of the ACT EU consultation on clinical trials training needs for academia and SMEs.
As a reminder, the consultation stems from ACT EU initiative’s Priority Action on clinical trials training aiming to deliver a clinical trials training curriculum for the different stakeholders as indicated in the strategy paper. As part of this work, an inventory of clinical trial training needs is drawn up for the stakeholder groups of academia and SMEs involved in the research and/or development of medicines for human use.
The identified training needs may also highlight potential gaps. An overview will be published later in 2025.
While SME and academia are the target group, each member of the MSP AG is welcome to comment.
The public consultation can be accessed at the following survey EUSurvey – Survey (europa.eu) and will remain open until 11 February 2025 at midnight CET.
For more information please consult the web page Clinical trials training curriculum – European Union.
If you have any questions please contact msp-agsecretariat@ema.europa.eu.