The CDDF is delighted to announce that the White Paper, “Empowering Involvement and Engagement of Patients with Cancer in Oncology Drug Development”, has been published in October 2023. It has been prepared by Prof. Mark Lawler on behalf of the Cancer Drug Development Forum (CDDF) and developed following the CDDF’s ‘Patient Access and Involvement in Oncology Drug Development’ multi-stakeholder workshop, which took place on 19- 20 September 2022 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
The aim of this multi-stakeholder event, which brought together nearly 70 experts (people with cancer and their advocates, researchers, clinicians, industry stakeholders, regulators and policy makers) was to learn about the latest developments and examples of best practice in Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) in cancer research and to debate how the involvement of people with cancer in oncology drug development can be enhanced to ensure a truly person-centred approach to developing and delivering innovative medicines. The White Paper makes a series of recommendations to enhance the involvement of people with cancer in oncology drug development research and innovation for the benefit of people with cancer. To read, click the following link: CDDF MSW patient access_white paper_ final